40 and Fabulous!

Remember when you were in your 20s and could (and did) wear any hairstyle you wanted? Bleached white-blonde, side ponytails, and maybe even The Rachel? That doesn’t really fly in your 40s, does it?

Hairstyles for women over 40 are a little more limited. If you stretch outside those boundaries you could wind up looking like an old maid — or someone desperately clinging to her teen years.  But that doesn’t mean your only options are a mom bob or cropped, Kate Gosselin cut.  Yikes!   There are plenty of hairstyles for mature women that are short, long, and everything in between. You just have to know how to follow some rules.

Don’t go for an ashy color!  Ashy hair color has cooler undertones, which can look almost gray — especially when you’re actually old enough to have gray hair. haha  Here are some warm hair colors on women in and past their 40’s…


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