Iconic Hairstyles

What makes a hairstyle iconic?  How about the fact that it rocked the look on TV for years and years to come!  It was usually the most requested look in salons as well!  Here are a few of the most iconic hairstyles women put on the map!

Farrah Fawcett’s flicked out blond waves brought fame to her role in Charlie’s Angels, and became one of the most popular styles of the 70’s.

I’m sure you’ve seen this lucky gal.  Not only does she have the sexiest husband alive, she has a very wanted haircut!  She busted this one out in 2006 and the “Pob” is still going strong to this day!

Few can forget that now iconic image of Audrey Hepburn sporting that ultra high beehive in Breakfast at Tiffany’s!  She wore it all too well!

Princess Diana’s layered bob became iconic not only because of it’s popularity, but also because of the pearls and scarf paired with it!  The 80’s had it baby, the 80’s had it!

Film star Bettie Grable made this classic 40’s look iconic.  Today it is still worn by many women who enjoy the “pin up girl” look!  Still so beautiful!

Well hello, Samantha!  This beauty rocked the natural red hair in her popular 80’s movies, it was either left curly or blow out into a mushroon like style!

We all remember this one all too well, I’m sure!  Jennifer Aniston’s mid-length layered style was the most requested in salons across America during the peak of Friends in the 90’s.

Whether “iconic” or not, chose a look that best suits you.  Consider you age, face shape and features when deciding on a look!


The Shiney Dome

Is bald sexy to you?   Well, it sure is when this is your other option…

Hey Willy!  You’re balding.  Anyone ever told you that?  Bite bullet and cut those 12 hairs.  Sometimes men need to be told when they are losing hair and what they got going on looks ridiculous!  When we can see exactly where you’re balding, trying to keep the hair in that area just draws more attention to that fact that there is NONE.

It’s okay to be losing your hair!  People can’t help it, it’s tough.  But don’t be in denial or think “I’m too young for this”.
No, what you’re too young for is a combover!  Shaving your head or keeping it extremely short when a man is balding is preferred.  There are tons of sexy bald men and celebrities out there, join them!


I rest my case.  Yum.


You’re on TV?!!?

Wanna know what I think about the celebrities on television?  Okay, I’ll tell you, but these are all my opinions so don’t get upset.  Anybody out there watch X Factor?  Well, I sure do, and no it’s no to see how amazing Britney Spears looks every Wednesday and Thursday!  She looks awful, absolutely horrid.  My husband said to me the other evening “Who cares, it’s Britney Spears, she still has it going on.”  I said, “WHAT?!?!?!?”.  “I’m kidding, she looks gross”, was he response.  See, honesty.  It hurts but Britney you need an extra large does, doll!  Someone needs  to bring you to that realization, and if it has to be me…so be it. haha  Every look she makes looks painful, right?

Besides looking painful…do you even have eyebrows anymore?  Fill those puppies in for heaven’s sake!  People look just weird with no brows, especially if you’re on my 53″ high def TV.  Yikers!  And Quit 3-barreling your greasy hair to no end…it’s not a good look, tell your stylist to stay current and not make you look like you just walked out of 2006.

No need for more proof.  However I will say, out the 2+ weeks that I have been watching her on X Factor, she happened to look decent one night…

See, cute.  She has her brows again.  Now some might say, “didn’t she just 3-barrel curl her hair again?”.  No.  She washed it and had some loose waves added.  Very pretty!  Now this is the Britney we all remember, bring her back!

As for you Christina Aguilera…I’ll tackle you some other night.  But for now, put your boobs away!